Vegetables - Squash, Yellow Multipik
Vegetables - Squash, Yellow Multipik
Crop Properties
Crop Properties
Attractive and adaptable, bright yellow fruits. If the first few fruits wither, blacken, and/or fail to enlarge, it indicates an absence of pollination, remedied when male blossoms appear and provide pollen. Male blossoms have thin stems, females have thick stems and a bulbous base where fruit is developing. Harvest male/female blossoms at midday, when fully open, for use in salads or for stuffing. If squash crop is desired, harvest only male flowers, being certain to leave a few to pollinate female flowers. Clip flowers from vine 1-2" below flower base with sharp scissors or pruners.
Product Video
Product Video
Growing Guide
Growing Guide
Shipping Information
Shipping Information
Seedlings and growing supplies are shipped from our farm on Mondays and Wednesdays. Available shipping methods, the ship day and expected delivery dates are shown at checkout. Click here to read more on shipping.